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RADIO NACIONAL Ivana Kekin: Borim se usprkos tome što se pojedini likovi smucaju oko mog stana i snimaju laži o meni i mojoj obitelji

U programu Radio Nacionala gostovala je Na vrućem stolcu urednice Zrinke Vrabec Mojzeš predsjednička kandidatkinja i saborska zatupnica stranke Možemo! Ivana Kekin. Prije tragičnog događaja u osnovnoj školi u Prečkom kada je iz poštovanja prva prekinula svoju predsjedničku utrku, našla se u žarištu pažnje zbog susreta njezinog supruga Mile Kekina s Nikicom Jelavićem više puta […]

The main conceptual idea of the text is Ivana Kekin, the presidential candidate for the Možemo! party, addressing controversies surrounding her campaign, including her husband's meeting with a controversial figure and accusations of her dwelling in an inexpensive property. Despite these challenges, she remains focused on her campaign and program. The article highlights the media attention surrounding Kekin and the various distractions attempting to derail her campaign. Despite this, she emphasizes her commitment to her program and maintains a measured approach to the sensitive topic of the tragic event in Prečko.

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